2nd annual

joe rice memorial

car show

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Joe Rice graduated with the Winnebago High School class of 2022. He was an active member of the Winnebago athletic community, participating in both wrestling and football. He faced many obstacles in his life, and ultimately the biggest obstacle he faced, his mental health, was too much, and we lost Joe to suicide in the fall of 2022. In honor of Joe’s memory, a car show was established to showcase not just his own car, but to also allow others to share their love of cars, which we think is something he would have appreciated.

Join us for the 2nd Annual Joe Rice Memorial Car show on Sunday, August 11, 2024 from 7am-2pm at Winnebago High School in Winnebago, IL. Proceeds go towards a scholarship in Joe’s honor, to be given to a WHS class of 2025 graduate.

Quick facts

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The Schedule

Take a look at this year's

car show calendar

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The show

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Find out when and where to register for the car show

Buy a shirt!

We have partnered with AKG ​Craft Source again! Part of ​the profit from every shirt ​goes straight to the ​scholarship fund.

Schedule of events

The 2nd Annual Joe Rice Memorial Car Show is a family-friendly, community-centered event. Cars, food, vendors and music are just a few of the things you’ll find!

All day events

  • 3-D Sound DJ hosting the show

  • AKG Craft Source providing merchandise

  • Other community vendors

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Participants’ schedule

  • 7am-10am: Registration

  • 11:30am-12:30pm: Voting (participant, community, and family)

  • 1:30pm: Awards and closing



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200 East McNair Road

Winnebago, IL 61088

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